So It Has Been Said

As some of the things I will likely discuss in my blog might be incriminating to some, the names of individuals may be changed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Been Almost A Year Since My Last Post...

So, to update the world on what's happened in the last year of my life while I was on a hiatus, I'll start with this little tidbit:

  • Went to Colorado in July 2010 to have hip surgery, but ended up not having it due to intense muscle atrophy.
  • On campus Autumn Quarter of 2010 I kept seeing my uber crazy lab partner from a few quarters back. I always saw her when driving my car as she would always walk out in front of it. Shocked? ..Not really. 
  • I briefly started dating this guy we will call Big Mistake in June, and I fell for all of the classic one-lined, silver tongued bullshit that men so generously hand out.  I was smitten, head over heels, and in some sort of puppy love when he decided to break up via text and never speak to me again.  Big Mistake claimed not only a few weeks of my life in which I was able to be overwhelmed by his charm, he also claimed my favorite pair of Old Navy flip flops that I had JUST broken in.  That upsets me more than anything...
  • In August 2010, I started dating my new/current boyfriend we'll simply call Boyfriend.  He's an amazing guy that treats me like the princess we all know that I am. LOL Nothing in life comes without a challenge, though.  He's got a young daughter (who is as cute as a button. I say I fell in love with her and got Boyfriend as a bonus), but also has baby-mama drama, which is unpleasant for all parties involved. He also snores. I wouldn't trade it for the world, though, because I'm hopelessly in love with this guy.  If he wants to ever get rid of me, it will likely take a little more than a restraining order. LOL
  • During Autumn Quarter (Oct/Nov time frame) my father nearly passed away.  He started out having stomach cramps and occasional diarrhea (yeah, I'm going to be graphic here...), which turned into being in the bathroom every 15 minutes or less.  After doing an 8 day slumber party at a local hospital and being sent home for a few days, he was rushed back to the ER where he subsequently had the majority of his colon removed.  He's better now, but there's still a question of if he'll ever be able to have the ostomy surgery reversed.  We're still hoping and praying, but meanwhile, we all laugh and say his theme song is "Papa's Got A Brand New Bag."  If you can't laugh at the hardships in your life, you can't laugh at anything.  This mentality is what makes me love my family so much (besides that whole "they take care of me" thing.. lol).  

Monday, May 24, 2010

Insert Humorous Title Regarding Class Oddities Here

At The Ohio State University, the best of the best of professors are employed to teach the future thinker of the world the right way to think.  However, they don't account for the funny things, and sometimes tragic things, that come out of the mouths of the professors and students.

Biochem -
I love biochem, even thought it's kicking my ass, and I enjoy my professor.  He's an intelligent man with good character.  However, he said something the other day that made me actually do a double take and stop writing to make sure I heard this correctly.  He was discussing starches or something which turned into a discussion on corn.  The man actually said, "I'm not sure if corn is native to America or not. I think the Indians had corn but I don't know where they got it from."  You're right.  They never had corn.  They bought it from the local greenhouse and were munching away on it before John Smith and his boat full of honkies arrived.

There's also this kid that sits around me who breathes louder than anyone I've ever heard before.  He's not a mouth breather, but sounds like he's using jet engines to breathe through his nose... it's annoying to the point that everyone around him was staring at him today.

Microbio -

The professor for this class is also an intelligent woman, but her fatal flaw is that she's German.  English isn't her native language, and in a profession where the words aren't easy to say, teaching it to English speaking students can't be an easy feat.
For the last few weeks we've been touching on DNA.  She keeps pronouncing "guanine (gw-i-un-neen)" as "goo-uh-nine." I find this to be hilarious and laugh every single time she says it.

Today she was talking about Antibiotics and as I was jotting down something she'd said, I missed what she was talking about.  Apparently so had all of my great friends sitting around me, because she said the words "Magic Bullet" and was referring to it as an antibiotic, and all three of us looked up, looked at each other, and burst into laughter. I think she's mistaken Magic Bullet with something totally different.. like Macrolide Antibiotic ?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

House, M.D. Season Finale

I thought I should take the time to write a quick little blurb about my feelings regarding House's season 6 finale last night.

I LOVED IT!!!!!!!

If you haven't seen the episode yet, I may have some spoilers here, and if you don't watch the show, then you're missing out.  

I think 13 is leaving and they'll play up her Huntington's Disease as the cause of her departure.  I think Foreman will have a breakdown because of this, and House and Taub and Chase will be there for him.  

Cuddy and House being together will be kept a secret at first, but someone will pick up on it.  I think Wilson and Sam will break up and he'll fall apart again, which means Cuddy and House will need to be there for him, and maybe that's when this whole dating thing will surface.  Regardless, Wilson won't be happy about it in some ways.  

I dunno... I just think this next season is going to be AWESOME!
I hear people saying the end of the episode was a hallucination.  If the writers played it that way, that's insane.  If anything he might wake up in a hospital bed post-op for fixing some wounds or something and the whole thing would have been a dream, but even that would be silly. 
This breakup with Cuddy and Lucas started back when Lucas wanted to get even with House and Wilson for getting the condo they wanted.  When Cuddy told Lucas not to get even, Lucas said something to the effect of "a less confident man may think that means you're still in love with House.."

Any thoughts?
When does the next season start?! 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Retail Pharmacy

I've worked in a retail pharmacy for almost 6 years, and it's been one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had.  I love my job, I love my customers, and I love being able to get to know each of them on a personal level.  However, there are days when you think to yourself, "why the hell am I working here?!" Last week I had one of those days.  
I believe in the power of the full moon to bring the crazy people out of the woodwork, but last week wasn't a full moon; there was no real reason for the night to have been this absurd.  

*Customer Service:
I don't work in the customer service center anymore, but when I was first hired with my company, that's where I worked.  Now, the way it's set up, it's hard to see if a customer comes to the counter for assistance if they're not really all or you can't hear them.  If the person working behind the counter should leave the area, he or she puts the bell out for people to ring, but if they're back there, they don't put the bell out.  However, on the front of the counter, where the customer stands, there is a cartoon picture of a bell that says "Ring Bell For Service."  The girl that was working in the customer service center has taken a phone call and didn't realize there was a customer standing at the window.  About 2 minutes later she turns around and sees someone there and the customer actually said, " I've been over here pushing the bell!  Didn't you hear me?"
When the employee said, "what bell? I have the bell back here," the woman replied with, "this bell in the sign!"

The lady was pushing on the picture of the bell thinking it would do something....

*Drug Names Are Confusing For Everyone:
I've heard people absolutely butcher the names of the medications they take, but last week I may have heard the best slaughtering of the over-the-counter drug names.  A guy walks up to the counter and seemed very fidgety and almost in a hurry.  He was about 20-25 years old, tattooed all over, tall, and a good build.  He threw his ID and a $10 bill on the counter and just looked at me and smiled.  I came up to the counter and said, "can I help you?"
He looked me square in the face and said one word: Wall-ette
I assumed it was the last name, so I say: Wall-ette, you said?
Him: Yes. Wall-ette
Me: What's the first name?
Him: Darren?
Me: Ok.  Did you have something to pick up? (This patient name didn't sound familiar to me at all...)
Him: Ohh! No! It's just a medicine I'm getting without a prescription.  Wall-ette.
Me: (totally baffled at this point...) You said it's called Wall-ette?
Him: Yeah.....
Me: Ok.. What's it used for?
Him: I have no idea.... (getting more fidgety) Let me go ask the.. yeah.. I'll go ask him.. Ok.. Be right back!
He grabbed his stuff off the counter and walked away very quickly.  The pharmacist and I were cracking up because I honestly thought he was asking me for a wallet! He'd never heard of such a thing either!  About 5 minutes goes by and the guy comes back...
Me: Did you figure out what you were looking for?
Him: Yeah. I need Sudafed.
**Blank Stare**          How do you get "wall-ette" from "sudafed"? Well, after the guy left, the pharmacist says that Walgreens puts the "wal" prefix at the beginning of their generic OTC drugs.  So, I called up a local Walgreens and asked if they had a "wall-ette."  I told him the story and he explained that their generic Sudafed is Wal-afed, or something to that effect, but we both shared a laugh at the idea of "wall-ette."

A man approaches my counter and is picking up a prescription for his wife.  He tells me the name and I go searching, like normal.  However, there was nothing filled for her, and, upon looking in the computer, I noticed we hadn't filled for her in a few weeks.  He politely informed me that he'd call his wife from his cell phone and see what she needed.  He stepped away from the counter so I could help another customer and sat on the bench nearby to talk to his wife.  About 5 minutes later I can hear them arguing on the phone.  I have no idea what they were arguing about, but it sounded pretty heated.  He sits there for about 10 minutes arguing then gets up and leaves like nothing happened.  He never did come back to tell me what she needed filled, if anything at all, so I just assumed the argument was pretty nasty and she was going to have to go without the medicine that night.

Our pharmacy is set up really strange.  My counter is, literally, next to the bologna coolers and on the other side of the store from the actual OTC medicine.  Next to the bologna and egg cooler is the frozen food section.  I'm near your processed meats, but not near your drugs. Anyway, this Indian man comes close to the counter and is staring at the bologna.  I was seated in the pharmacy reading my Biochem book when I figured I should see if the guy needed help.  So, without getting up, I asked, "sir, do you need help with something?" He replied, without even breaking his awkward stare-down with the Oscar Meyer meat, "WHERE IS YOUR MILK?!" Taken aback by his brash tone, but assuming it was due to his accent, I hesitated then said, "it's going to be in the next set of coolers down, sir."  Now, while I say this, I'm pointing to the right showing the man where to go.  He hasn't even glanced in my general direction and has NO clue where I'm pointing.  He marches down the frozen food section while I'm yelling, "Sir! Sir! Milk is this way!" but he pays no attention and wanders off.  My boss was wondering why the guy even bothered to ask if he wasn't going to pay attention.  Minutes later I heard that booming voice with the overbearing tones asking a girl in our Cosmetics area where the milk was.  She must have also pointed and given him the direction as well, because I heard her say, "Sir! Sir! It's that way!"

*Wrapping Up The Night:
With 20 minutes left to go before we closed down the pharmacy, the phone rang.  I picked up the phone and there was a man on the line with a rather forward voice.
Him: This is not an emergency, but I am gonna need to get my medications sometime...
Me: Ok. Do you need refills or do you have a new prescription?
Him: I've got refills.
Me: Ok, can you give me the RX Numbers?
(He does)
Me: Ok, do you need these tonight?
Him: (with a sarcastic tone, like I should have just implied...) Uhhh, yeah!
Me: Ok, well I close in 20 minutes, so you need to be here before then.
Him: I'm already on my way. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Will you be open?
Me: Yes. I close in 20 minutes, so if you are here in 10 minutes, I will be open.  It'll take me about 10 minutes to get these filled, so I'll see you then.
Needless to say he arrived 5 minutes later and dropped off 2 more medications...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wee Bitch on a Rampage

This is a section where I'll take the time to rant about some things...

* Let's start off with Jersey Shore and shows of that nature.  Maybe it's just me, but I cannot stand listening to people act retarded and know they're getting paid for it!  Your spray on tan isn't cute, your lingo doesn't do it for me, and I question your manhood.  Thanks.

* One hit wonders never cease to amaze me.  I was flipping through my iPod the other day when I stumbled upon an old Ying Yang Twins song.  WTF ever happened to those guys? Maybe it was a little odd that they did whisper or yell in all their songs, but I still liked them.  Anyone able to give me an update on those guys?

* To anyone who reads this and has children, I don't mean this to be offensive.  Here I am at the store the other day, doing a little shopping, politely minding my own business when I hear a scream echo through the store that sounds like it's off of a horror flick.  The awful din was followed by a screeching "I WANT THAT TOY!!!" At this point I was thinking, "Oh well, screaming child... back to shopping."  But for the next 5 minutes the screaming ensued.  There was no end in sight!  The child was on some war path and determined to piss off everyone in the friggin store until SOMEONE bought it that damn toy just to shut it up.  It just so happens that I was walking past the aisle that the ruckus was coming from and the parents were, ever so graciously to the rest of the shoppers, giving the child the "I'm ignoring you" treatment.  Ok, that's great if you don't want to acknowledge your child's bad behavior at home, but why make me suffer because your kid is obnoxious?  My shopping experience was significantly less enjoyable because of your child and your poor excuse for good parenting in public.  

* I'm sitting in my biochem class the other day when someone asked a question regarding the professor's lecture material.  Now, usually there are some good questions, other times there are some that should be kinda obvious, but I could understand how an individual could be confused over the material.  However, on this day, the question was so painfully obvious that I looked at the girl next to me and said, "really, did someone just ask that question?"  The professor had been going over certain types of bonds within sugar residues, and he was discussing N, S, and O glycosidic bonds. Basically the bond forms to either a Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S), or an Oxygen (O).  A girl in the back of the classroom raises her hand and asks, "What does N, S, and O stand for?" The professor looked at her with that "omg are you serious" face and she promptly said, "is that for Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Oxygen?"  The professor says, "yes. They bond to the Nitrogen, Sulfur or Oxygen as shown in the pictures on the screen.  You can see those elements actually in the rings."  I actually felt bad that she asked that question out loud.  That's the type of question you whisper to the person next to you.  You have to have completed general chemistry AND organic chemistry to be in this class.... and you're asking what N, S, and O stand for...

* I enjoy clothes shopping more than I enjoy most things in life.  Shopping is a hobby for me, but lately I've found it futile to even try to buy clothes.  I'm at some strange weight where I'm between sizes and nothing I try on seems to be flattering.  I either get some awkward muffin top going on, or I get way too much baggy fabric in areas where it's very unbecoming.  I wish they made those in between sizes.  

Have a lovely little evening, everyone. 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Professors Touch Themselves When Students Fail

This is going to be short and sweet due to the fact that I have to get back to studying (so I don't fail as miserably as I believe I will......). 

I have a Biochemistry midterm tomorrow.  This midterm is covering half of chapter 4, all of chapter 5, and all of chapter 6. Believe it or not, that's a lot of material in the 2 weeks since our last midterm.  So here I am sitting in class being all diligent and preparing for the midterm when my professor drops the "on to the next chapter" bomb on us.  This guy honestly added another chapter 2 days before the exam!  WRETCHED! Who does this?!

There must be some joy in watching us all squirm like we're about to be tortured again.  I feel like every single time this man gives us more work to do he's really just screaming, "it puts the lotion on the skin!!!!!"  

He takes our failures and hangs the worst midterms on his refrigerator and the lower the average, the more satisfied he is.  This has to be true.  If it wasn't, why wouldn't they just make it easier?  There's no argument there... 

Truth: Professors get off on having a failing class.  

Myth: Professors want the best for you, your general well being, and your overall mental health during a quarter. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Table Manners in a Lecture Hall

I didn't wake up in a bad mood or anything this morning, but I was agitated once I got to campus.  Generally, the lecture hall is pretty chilly so I wear a jacket or a hoodie.  This morning the weatherman said it would be in the 70s today, and when I was leaving the house at 6:30am, it was already in the 60s.  Figuring that I would be stuck in a cool lecture hall, I sleepily threw on a nasty looking t-shirt and a hoodie and went to school.

As luck would have it, it was unbearably hot, and I couldn't take off the hoodie since I threw on some nasty looking t-shirt and a sports bra. This agitated me.

So, I've got a seat saved for my friend who is always late to class, but on the other side of her chair is a girl who spent around 5 minutes fumbling to get her breakfast out of her bag.  Now, far be it for me to criticize anyone for eating in class, because I do it all the time.  However, if you're going to eat in class, there's some basic etiquette.

1) don't bring obnoxious smelling food (ex: fish, Indian food, Mexican food) that will either disgust everyone or make them all very hungry.
2) don't bring it in some wrapper that makes more noise than 10,000 girls at a Justin Bieber concert.
3) don't make a mess all over everything

This girl brought a ziplock bag of Life cereal (one of my favorites with raisins! mmm) and proceeded to eat.  She was placing one square at a time in her mouth and chomping and crunching it so loudly that everyone around her was giving her the side eye.  This ziplock bag was FULL of cereal and after the first three chomps, I glanced at the bag to see how long this hell would last and I was just outright angry.

Luckily, so I thought, the professor started talking louder (probably because he, too, could hear her chomping), and I assumed that this would mask the sound of sweetened whole grain being mangled in her mouth, but no such luck.  She actually, and I swear on this, was chomping LOUDER the as the professor spoke louder.  It was obnoxious.  Her appetite must have overcome her, because after about 5 minutes of the insane chewing she started eating 4 or 5 squares at a time.  I must have glared at her at least 10 times, and perhaps she saw me and decided to eat faster so I didn't reach over and choke her ass to death.

This cow chomped and chomped and chomped and then chugged some water noisily, then went back to chomping.  I was about to freak out when she finally finished the bag of cereal.  She proceeded to make noise and meticulously close the ziplock bag while pressing all the air out of it against her desk.  She then folded it up nicely and placed it in her bag with these awkward, dainty hand gestures.  HELLO! You just ate like a damn Holstein cow!  There's nothing delicate, dainty, and feminine about this!

Great morning that was.  Luckily, the saving grace was that my quiz in that class was really easy, and I was very prepared for it.